Kitchen Randomness.

our very first soft pretzels. I had doubts while I was kneading and then rolling them out, my dough was stiff… but they turned out delicious. I thought ‘this will be a great thing to do with the kids’ which of course as far as baking something went it was… but my dough was too stiff to really have them help stretch it out (make long tubes) but Alexandre picked up the trick of how to shape them after being shown once so he shaped most of them. Elizabeth’s favorite part was the egg wash (brushing anything in the kitchen is always a favorite for her) and then she helped with the seeds & salt.

We used this recipe as our base — inspired by a recent blog post I saw somewhere… but of course cannot remember where. That’st he recipe that had been linked. I made a few modifications including baking at 425oF for about 15min. And an egg wash while they were drip drying on the rack before being put back on the baking sheet. My flour ratio was 1 cup whole wheat, 1 3/4 all purpose white. And we added sesame seeds on top as well as the salt.

kitchen randomness.
working the dough…

kitchen randomness.

kitchen randomness.

We’ve also taken to making this granola recipe regularly — it’s Alexandre’s favorite thing to do because he has to “smash the almonds with the kitchen hammer”… there’s so many ingredients to add and stir, they really love the making of this. The eating is mostly done by me. On yogourt. I LOVE this recipe. I like granola but I always find store bought (or bakery bought) much too sweet for me. This one is not like that at all. it’s delicious. I also add hemp seeds & ground flax seeds to my mix.

kitchen randomness.

kitchen randomness.

3 thoughts on “Kitchen Randomness.

  1. I’ve got to get me a kitchen hammer! Sounds like so much fun and I can imagine how great your kitchen smelled.

    Anywho, I thought I’d comment today because I’ve been following your blog for a while and really enjoying myself. Thinking of you as you wait for baby.

    Thanks and take care,


  2. wow! homemade pretzels and granola would be a great kid friendly kitchen adventure! thanks for the idea, i love your blog and have just started one of my own so i am looking around at other wonderful mommy-esque blogs 🙂

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