A treat for lunch

Yesterday I thought I’d make us a post-dinner treat (i suppose I could refer to it as desert!) of the slow roasted grape + brie kind. I saw this recipe (or method maybe?) on Lisa’s blog and had to try it. Well, as our evenings often do, it got carried away and between a playdate, a later than typical dinner, bath time and other routine things (as well as belly aches and cold symptoms!) we didn’t get to it. The grapes got pulled out of the oven as we were running around, five of us in five seemlingly different direction with one goal in mind: each of us colapsing quickly into beds/sofas — though each of us managed to taste the grapes at different times and all commented how delicious and apple like they tasted. Elizabeth & Alexandre insisted on bringing some on their lunches the very next day. Even when I commented that I wasn’t sure what I’d put on their lunch the next day, Alexandre exclaimed ‘as long as we have roasted grapes, it’s all good.’ funny kid.


and so it is that today, we each had a treat for lunch. A brie wheel cut into four and sent in different directions. The same treat, just not together.

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